In 2024, Unboxnow has recently partnered with a seasoned team that brings 20 years of experience in film services in Thailand. The new team has a track record of working with well-known clients like OldSpice, Rexona, Lazada, and and so on. This collaboration extends to the production side, benefiting clients such as ASAP, BISCUIT, SEDONA, WENNEKER, and FINCH. The partnership aims tocombine innovative approaches with established expertise, offering a well-rounded and efficient filmmaking experience.

Cathay Holidays - Luboš Vacke

Production : Holly Momma, China

Client : Cathay Pacific

LazLook - Terry Hall

Production : Sedona, Australia

Client : Lazada

Old Spice "New Dad" - Steve Rogers

Production : Biscuit, USA

Client : Old Spice

Old Spice “Swagger” - Steve Rogers

Production : Biscuit, USA

Client : Old Spice

DISPELIX - Jyri Rapo, Jenny Stringer

Production : 20/20 Helsinki, Finland

Client : Dispelix

VISA "GEN Z BRAND" - Thay Littichai

Production : Sweet Blonde, Malaysia

Client : Visa

VISA "ACTIVE TRUST" - Thay Littichai

Production : Sweet Blonde, Malaysia

Client : Visa - Jae Morrison

Production : Finch, Australia

Client :